What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, known as the “knowledge of life” is the sister science of Yoga. It is a complete wellness system based in nature. 

An Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) is a specialist in preventative and lifestyle medicine.

Why work with an Ayurvedic Health Counselor?

Ayurveda can help us understand how your current lifestyle may be creating dis-ease and offers suggestions and support to create a newer, healthier lifestyle. Each change made reduces stress and increases the healing capacity of the body.


  • Complete Ayurvedic intake including dosha (body/mind constitution), gunas (energetic qualities), tongue assessment, doshic pulses, lifestyle practices and goals for healing

  • Yoga poses to help reduce imbalances

  • Breath practices

  • Meditations for your dosha

  • Lifestyle recommendations

  • Dietary recommendations

  • Culinary herbs/spices/teas and simple Ayurvedic “supplement” recommendations

  • Creative arts/self expression practices


  • Strong Immunity and Resiliency

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Healthy Digestion and Elimination

  • Overall Strength and Vigor

  • Balanced Emotions

  • Clarity in Thinking

  • Senses Functioning Normally

  • Positive Self Esteem

  • Zest for Life

  • Balanced Doshas (Body/Mind Constitution)

For best results 4 sessions scheduled over a period of 1-2 months is recommended.

Seasonal consultations, wellness check-ins and life/stress balance sessions are also encouraged.


You back to your natural state of balance.